FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Our highly experienced design registration team can help you with filing, registration, examination and foreign protection services.

What is Trade Mark ?

Trade Mark is a mark or logo or a sign or an expression which is used to distinguish your business goods or services from those of other manufacturers or traders. A Trade mark can be represented graphically in the form of your company’s logo.

Why Trade Mark Registration ?
  • Provides exclusive right against Trademark, Logos, Brand Name & Firm .
  • If not registered then Competitor can get your Trademark Registered. 
  • Monopolistic rights against specific goods for 10 years in India & thereafter can be renewed.
  • Suit can be filed at Home Town (Local Jurisdiction). Registered Trademark gives more confidence in expansion of business while Advertising.
  • Protection through Registration is Cheaper than litigation.
Process Of Trade Mark Registration ?
  • Step 1- Adoption ofTrademark (it should be honest and bonafide)
  • Step2- Searching ofTrademark
  • Step3-Filling of Trademark Application and allotment of TM number
  • Step4- Examination ofTM Application in Registry office (Removing objections/filling documentary evidence in support of TM, Attending Hearing, Arguments for getting the Trademark application accepted.)
  • Step5- Application accepted by Registrar or Application refused by Registrar.
  • Step6- If accepted by the registrar than it will get advertised in the Trademark journal and if no objection within 4 months than the Trademark will get Registered. If Application gets opposed than opposition proceedings start in Trademark Tribunal at Delhi /Mumbai. 
Time Required for trademark Registration ?
Normal Time for Trademark registration is 1 to 1.5 years, once the application is objected, than approximately 2 more years are added for hearing.
Why So Long Time For trademark Registration ?
When the examiner feels that there is conflicting mark in the Trademark application, he puts the application in objected status & opportunity is given to the applicant for being heard. There are approximately 2 lakhs applications in the process. So it takes long time to get REGISTRATION.
Under What Ministery, Trade Mark Authority Comes ?
Ministry of Commerce & Industry Department of Industrial policy & promotion
Where Is Trademark Office Situated ?
Head office of the Trademark is situated in Mumbai Regional offices are situated at:-Delhi-North India Calcutta-Eastern India Ahmadabad-Western India Chennai-South India
What Is The Jurisdiction Of Trademark Registration ?
Trademark registration is valid in whole India. For registration in foreign countries, we require registration in each country where we want to export our goods.
Classes Of Goods ?
All Goods and Services are described under 45 classes. Class Ito 34 relates to manufacturing goods and Class 35 to 45 relates to services. We have to file the Trademark application in the particular class in which goods/services falls.
Validity Of Trademark ?
Once the Trademark is registered, it is valid for 10 years from the date of application. After that it is renewed for another 10 years and so on.
When We Can File The Trademark Renewal ?
Before 6 months from the date of expiry to due date by filling TM-R @ Rs 9000/-Up to 6 months after the due date by giving additional fees of @ Rs 4500/-, 6 months to 12 months after due date with additional fees of Rs 9000/-.
Government Fees For Trademark Registration ?
Rs 4500/- (Four thousand rupees only) for proprietor.
Which Trademark Cannot Be Registered Or Grounds Of Refusal Of Trademark By The Registrar Of Trademark ?

A). Trademarks which are Identical or deceptively similar with the existing registered or pending Trademarks
B). Trademarks which are not distinctive.(mark becomes distinctive after 3 year user).
C). Descriptive Trademarks e.g. – Mark Computer cannot be registered for laptops, where as Computer can be registered for dhoop Aggarbatti, Cycle mark is registered for Essence sticks in India, Apple Trademark is registered for Mobile phones.

D). Trademarks which shows the quality of the products. For e.g.-TOP, BEST, DELUXE, SUPER cannot be registered.
E). Trademarks which shows the geographical location e.g.-Ludhiana, India cannot be registered. 
F). Well known Trademarks and marks of multinational companies cannot be registered e.g.- Pepsi cannot be registered for any class.
G). Marks which comprises or contains scandalous or obscene matter.. 
H). If the mark is prohibited under the emblems and names (Prevention of improper use)Act.

Whether The Mark Can Be Registered By Changing The Spealings Or Adding Some Prefixes ?

If the mark is phonetically same with the existing marks, then the registrar can refuse the registration.

On What Grounds The Opposition Is Filed By His Opponent ?

A). If the mark is phonetically same. B). If the mark resembles with the existing registered or pending Trademark. C). If the opponent’s Trademark is well known Trademark. D). Ifthe opponent’s Trademark has prior user. E). If the applicant adds some prefix or suffix against the registered or prior use Trademark.

What Is The Difference Between "Tm"& "R" ?

Once the Trademark is registered we can use the word “R” and while the Trademark is in process we can use “TM”.

If Two Persons Are Using The Same Mark For Same Goods. Than Whose Rights Are Better ?

The person who is using the mark first and has the documentary evidence of using the mark, he/she has the better rights.

Whether The Trademark Can Be Transferred To Another Person ?

Trademark is a Intellectual property, it can be assignedtsold), rented or leased

Who Can Apply For Registration ?

Any person who is the owner and using the Trademark, can apply for registration. Thus applicant maybe -Proprietorship Firm -Partnership Firm -Private limited company.

Whether Trademark Can Be Applied On the Individual Name ?

It can be registered in the individual name, but it is not advisable to file the application in individual name because business is not done in the house of individual. To do the business, it will have to be transferred in the company/firm. Which involves higher cost of transfer, than registration.

Whether I Have To Get My Trademark Registered In Each Country Where, I Export The Goods ?

In order to get protection, you will have to file Trademark application in each country where you want to export the goods.

Whether We Can File One Trademark Application For All The Countries ?

For each country, we will have to file separate application. But in Europe we can file one trademark application for 27 countries.

Which Type Of Action We Can Take Against Infringed Goods ?

CIVIL ACTION – Remedies available are:

A). Injunction of Trademark for similar goods (stop using theTrademark)

B). Loss of profit


A).Seize of goods

B). imprisonment of person

What Factors Should Be Considered While Adopting A Trademark ?

A). Mark should be easy to speak and easy to write.
B). Must contain maximum vowels.
C). Should not be well known trademark.
D). Should not resembles with the existing registered or pending Trademark.
E). Invented words are highly registerable.
F). Should not contain the qualities of product.
G). should not indicate the geographical indication.
H). Should be registerable.

Whether I Can Use The Trademark Of Other Person In My Trade Name ?

We cannot use the Trademark of other person in the Trade name. If we use the Trademark of other person than registered owner can take steps to stop the Tradename. (Only if he/she want to)

Difference Between Trademark & Copyright ?

A). Trademark relates to name under which the product is sold in market. For e.g.- • BATA- Shoes • Liberty—Shoes • BMW—CAR • Godrej — Soap/Elmira
B). Copyright relates to: • Artistic work of mark • Colour scheme of the packing/label • Get up

Whether Same Mark/logo Can Be Registered Under Trademark And Copyright Act ?

Yes, In order to get protection of Trademark under the Copyright Act, it is necessary that mark should be registered under Trademark Act or Trademark application must have been filed for the same Trademark under Trademark Act.

If There Is Change In The Constitution Of The Firm Or Any Other Change, Whether It Is Necessary To Intimate The Trademark Registry ?

Yes, Trademark is like a property it should be always in the name of current proprietor or partners of the firm. If there is change in the name of the firm, it must be recorded in the Trademark registry. If there is change in the address. It must be recorded in the Trademark registry.

Documents Or Information Required For Trademark Registration ?

• Name of the firm/company • Address • Name of the proprietor/partnership/director • Trademark to be registered • Goods/services • Period since you are using the trademark • LOGO — (soft or hard copy) if you want the application to be filed along with logo.

What Is Design ?

Design must be some Shape, Configuration, Pattern or Ornamentation or Composition of lines or colour applied to an Article/Product by industrial process or means.

How Long Does Design registration Last ?

Design registration is initially last for 10 years from the date of Registration and may be extended for further 5 years. Thus maximum period ofprotection is 15 years.

Who Can Apply For Design Registration ?

Any person who claims to be the owner of new or original Design which is not previously published in India, can apply for registration of Design.

What Designs Are in Registration ?

A). Not new or Original
B). Disclosed to the public anywhere in India or in any other Country by publication or by use or any other way, prior to the date of filing.
C). If the Design resembles with the existing Design.
D). Containing obscene matter.

Remedies Against Design Infringement ?

A). Proprietor of Registered Design can file a suit for infringement against the infringer and can claim damages.

Whether It Is Possible To Transfer The Rights Of Ownership of Registered design ?

Yes, It is possible to transfer the right through Assignment, agreement & Transition with terms and condition in writing or operation of law.

Documents Required At Office For Filing A Design Application ?

FORM-1 • Representation of an Article in the prescribed manner • Power of Attorney • Statement of novelty and disclaimer if any.

Information & Documents Required for Design Registration ?

INFORMATION REQUIRED: • Name • Address • Constitution DOCUMENTS REQUIRED • Name of the product • Photographs of the product (7 views) i.e. ➢ Front ➢ Back ➢ Left side ➢ Right side ➢ Top ➢ Bottom ➢ Prospective View

What Is Copyright ?
Copyright is a bundle of rights given by the law to the creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and the producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings.
Why Copyright ?
Copyright ensures certain minimum safeguards of the rights of authors over their creations, thereby protecting and rewarding creativity. Creativity being the keystone of progress, no civilized society can afford to ignore the basic requirement of encouraging the same. Economic and social development of a society is dependent on creativity. The protection provided by copyright to the efforts of writers, artists, designers, dramatists, musicians, architects and producers of sound recordings, cinematograph films and computer software, creates an atmosphere conducive to creativity, which induces them to create more and motivates others to create.
What Are The Classes Of Work For Which Copyright Protection Is Available In India?
Copyright subsists throughout India in the following classes of works:
A. Original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works.
B. Cinematograph films; and o Sound recordings.
What is an artistic work ?

An artistic work means-o a painting, a sculpture, a drawing (including a diagram, map, chart or plan), an engraving or a photograph, whether or not any such work possesses artistic quality; a work of architecture; and o any other work of artistic craftsmanship.

Remedies Available Against Copyright Infringement In India ?

The Copyright Act 1957 provides three kinds of remedies -administrative remedies, civil remedies and criminal remedies. The administrative remedies provided under the statute include detention of the infringing goods by the customs authorities. The civil remedies are provided under Chapter XII of the Copyright Act 1957 and the remedies provided includes injunction, damages and account of profit. The criminal remedies are provided under Chapter XIII of the statute and the remedies provided against copyright infringement include imprisonment (up to 3 years) along with a fine (up to 200,000 Rupees).

Documents Required for Copyright Registration?

• 10(TEN) Photographs of “LOGO” or “ARTISTIC WORK” to be sent for Registration.
• Power ofAttorney in our favor to be sent at Trademark Office.
• No Objection Certificate duly signed from the Artist.
• Power ofAttorney in our favor to be sent at Copy Right Office.

Filing Process of Copyright Registration?

1. The application with complete details and copies of the work is filed to the Trademark Registry on Form TM-C along with the govt. fee of Rs 5000/- to 9000/-
2. Thereafter, the application is examined and objections, if any, are raised.
3. Any extra documents, if required, are requested.
4. Thereafter, No objection certificate (NOC) is issued by the Trademark office.
5. Application is filed with the Copyright office, Delhi along with the No objection certificate (NOC) from the Trademark office along with the fee of Rs/- 2000.
6. The certificate is issued by the copyright office after the objections, if any, are overcome to the satisfaction of the Copyright Registry.